

My work is inspired by various sources exploring mathematical and science concepts

My Various practises look at both science and maths to evolve the way we visualise the world around us. Thinking about various theories for example simulation theory, Black holes, dark matter, probability, artefacts. I then pull the ideas from science and maths to create 2D artworks/3D artworks. The result equals an unconscious collective or anti dualist format, which is both inter-dimensional but also a singularity of how time and space could be an illusion. I call this a Multi state collation. A reality in which things are formed out of structures inside themselves, just like looking in the mirror you can see how reality is reflected I’m proposing the idea of a Multi state dimension in which it is collated to within its own theoretical discourse.

The works take from Reality or science/science-fiction to create a dialogue between the idea of change, and reality. I question the viewer’s relationship to the very essence of their system of belief or how they see reality, having particular views? By making each work inspired by technological development and uniquely different, I may challenge some people to think why am I doing this. To ask a questions like why and how are essential to understanding the world around us. That is why I create a dialogue with visual concepts to show this idea of a simulated mirror dimension, with both mathematical and science constructs, also experimenting with the causality of a system/equilibrium.